Parker Anderson
- Game developarr
- Video editarr
- Server managarr
- Teacharr
parkersthinking@gmail.com | #801-899-6359 | Portfolio | Recommendations | Github
Fremont High
- August 2020 - May 2023
- Computer Science Sterling Scholar
- GPA: 3.91
- 34 College Credit Hours (Weber State)
- 1st place - Weber Fest - VFX
- 2nd place - TSA competition @ state level - Video Game Design
- 2nd place - BYU cybersecurity competition
- Featured by Game Informer about my game Weaponeer
- Organized & taught as a freshman after school game development club
- Teaching game development to tens of thousands of students on YouTube
- Built custom home server with storage redundancy utilizing Debian (Linux)
- Created animations and graphics for my high school tv broadcast Pack TV
- Godot game engine
- Linux
- Server setup/maintenance
- Davinci Resolve
- Blender (VFX, 3D animation)
- HTML, CSS, Javascript
- Java
- Shell scripting
- Docker
- Adobe Premiere
- Python
- MySQL Server & PHP
Work Experience
Weber County Fair, Ogden, UT
Livestream & Camera Operator
August 2021 - August
Frederick Smith
- Fremont High Video Teacher
- #801-920-7391
- fredsmith@wsd.net
Trish Swanson
- Fremont High English Teacher
- trswanson@wsd.net
Lance Rhodes
- Fremont High Computer Science Teacher
- larhodes@wsd.net